
Leadership as a determinate factor for corporate success

The last few years show that leadership has a decisive influence on the success of a company. At the same time, 45% of people who leave a company say that they did so because of their direct load. We see this trend as an opportunity to approach leadership with a focus on the current professional climate. Does leadership have to be like it was 10 years ago? What is happening right now? What do leaders need in today’s corporate conditions and environments? In the BRIDGEHOUSE leadership seminars, both experienced leaders and those who are newly in a leadership position find inspiration and methods to be able to shape their own identity as a leader in a self-determined way.

Leadership Skills

Managers manage. Leaders inspire people. At its core, leadership means creating a company environment that garners excellent performance from its employees. Essentially, this means continuously empowering your own employees to activate their potential and achieve better results. People-focused! Therefore, leaders are expected to have unique social and methodological skills. This seminar provides the tools to apply the knowledge and proven methods for leadership practice. The seminar also fosters the participant’s perspective on creating new modalities instead of accepting the status quo. Leadership is a mental attitude towards life. Professionally and privately.

Young Leadership Skills

Congratulations on your new leadership role! But what does this actually mean? In the past, the focus was on your own strengths and abilities, but now as a young leader, you may find yourself in a very different terrain. Responsibilities such as developing your employees potential, guiding projects from start to finish, plus making key decisions are just a few of the points that define the professional environment for young leaders. In order to prepare young leaders to be successful on their path, we offer the Young Leadership Program that gives participants a toolbox with comprehensive skills focused on the new challenges of the job. The seminar gives participants an overview of the most important aspects of the multi faceted topic of leadership as well as providing a strong foundation in the basic working knowledge and skill set that tomorrow’s leaders need.

Women in Leadership

In recent years, numerous studies have confirmed that when decision-making power is shared in companies and includes a larger representation of women in decision-making roles, a significantly higher return on sales is achieved. However, instead of using male and female talents equally, the outdated distribution of roles between men and women lead to conflicts and dissatisfactory results in many companies nationwide. This seminar is aimed at women who are taking on their new role with the goal to change the out-dated structures and flourish as a leader. As a woman, you have the choice between three options. One, you play the game. Two, you leave because you’re fed up with the game. Or three, you change the game in your own professional environment! This seminar equips you to reshape outmoded structures, using your own strengths and learning to use them with even more confidence.

Leading for Change

Changes trigger emotions. If you want to make a change, you have to address and mobilize people on an emotional level. We know that in all situations in life, the way in which people choose to communicate determines success or failure. What influence does communication have on the fact that some change processes succeed, but others do not? What are the specific factors for success? How is sustainability ensured for long lasting results? In this seminar, you will learn the importance of direct communication and how much courage and clarity it requires.

Advanced Leadership

What would happen if all employees in an organization lived up to their full potential? What if everyone not only worked, but also shared in the excitement, made decisions, took responsibility and flourished on a creative level? In this advanced seminar, we focus on the full spectrum of leadership skills and topics needed to address your company with a holistic approach. How can we make our work life meaningful? How do we create a work environment that promotes employees to be self sufficient and proactive? How do we support our employees in their professional growth? How do we develop clear and compassionate communication?

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